Welcome to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church of Patchogue, New York. We are a thriving, Christ-centered parish who knows Christ and makes Christ known.
We have been a worshiping community in Patchogue since 1843. Our church was built in 1883 and is one of the few remaining examples of churches built in the Stick Style.
St. Paul’s is a parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island. The Episcopal Church is part of the Anglican Communion, which is a collection of 109 dioceses in 17 nations and territories. that grew out of the Church of England.
Our theology is a middle way between the Catholic and the Protestant traditions. We take scripture seriously, but not literally, and profess the doctrines of the early Church Councils. We interpret scripture and tradition for the practice of our faith today.
Corporate worship is at the heart of our life as a faith community. Our liturgical style is traditional but relaxed, which reflects the welcoming and inclusive attitude of our parishioners. We celebrate the Eucharist each Sunday and on special holy days. We join together in communion to give thanks and praise to God; and to be strengthened to continue God’s work in the world. All baptized Christians, regardless of your denomination, are welcome and encouraged to receive Holy Communion.
We take seriously our Baptismal Covenant that says we will respect the dignity of every human being.
You are welcome to worship with us, to join with us in fellowship, and in our ministries, regardless of age, economic status, marital status, nationality, race, sexual orientation or gender identity, ability or disability, and wherever you are in your spiritual journey.
We hope you will come and visit us, online or in-person, and will find our community to be a welcoming and accepting place.