Palm Sunday: Liturgy of the Palms in the Parish Hall

Procession with the Blessed Sacrament and the Blessed Palms.

Fr. James, preaching at our bilingual Palm Sunday Mass.

Our former Steeple Cross, decorated in red for Holy Week.

Maundy Thursday Prayer

The Very Rev. Hickman Alexandre, Dean of the Great South Bay Deanery, setting the table at Christ Church, Bellport for our deanery-wide Maundy Thursday Mass.

Fr. James celebrating at Christ Church, Bellport – with Mthr. Lilo and Dean Alexandre at the altar.

After the “Stripping of the Altar” at Christ Church, Bellport.

The Cross on Good Friday at St. Paul’s, Patchogue.

The bare sanctuary with the open tabernacle. Note the missing sanctuary lamp.

The Rev. Lilo Carr-Rivera (Interim Priest in Charge at Christ Church, Bellport), The Rev. James E. Reiss (Priest in Charge at St. Paul’s, Patchogue), and The Very Rev. Hickman Alexandre (Vicar at St. James, Brookhaven and Dean of the Great South Bay Deanery).

Celebrating the Eucharist at the Easter Vigil at St. Ann’s, Sayville.

The clergy at the Easter Vigil: The Rev. James E. Reiss, The Rev. Lilo Carr-Rivera, The Very Rev. Hickman Alexandre, and The Rev. Jeff Stevenson, Rector of St. Ann’s in Sayville.

Fr. James praying over the people of God an Easter blessing at the beginning of Mass on Easter morning.

Parishioners Scott Harris holds the Gospel Book as Kevin Henderson stands by to receive the thurible back after the incensing of the Gospel Book.

The Flowering of the Cross is a long time tradition on Easter Sunday here at St. Paul’s. See Dave MacDonald, Warden, assisting his granddaughter place a carnation on the cross. The flowers represent our gifts and talents, presented at the offertory.

“Walk in love, as Christ loved us; and gave Himself as an offering and sacrifice to God.”

Easter 2024 at St. Paul’s Church